As the summer has finally arrived in the northern hemisphere and the vast majority of European countries are currently overwhelmed by a heat wave of an enormous extent, I thought I might give it a try and list some useful tips on how to stay cool during hot summer days, respectively on how to fully enjoy this beautiful yet quite dangerous season without damaging your health due to sheer carelessness.
Believe me, I am the embodiment of a lazy bum when it comes to being cautious in terms of my own health - may it be physical or mental - which is why I am going to keep the following advice as simple as possible and thus even like-minded people do not have an excuse not to stick to it. (No offence meant, I merely want everyone to stay safe!)
#1 ~ Keep your body hydrated, in other words drink loads of water. An amount of two to three litres a day ought to please your body's needs, however you should pay attention to drinking beverages only slightly cooler than room temperature since that is way more efficient in preventing unpleasant attacks of sweating than consuming really cold fluid.
#2 ~ Same goes for showering. As appealing as it may seem, taking a cool shower is a lot worse for your body than using lukewarm water, because the former guarantees to give your body a shock due to the rapid change of temperature and therefore burdens your circulation more than you would think.
#3 ~ Always apply enough and sufficiently strong sunblock to your skin, protecting it not solely from damaging ultraviolet rays but also keeping it moist and young.
#4 ~ In order to cushion the retina of your eyes from ultraviolet rays and besides spice up your look, bear in mind to wear sunglasses whenever you spend time outside. Before buying a pair, inform yourself of whether they are indeed protective since unfortunately many provide shade yet no reliable screen. (That goes for both cheap and expensive ones.)
#5 ~ Furthermore, cover your head with any kind of hat to avoid suffering a heat stroke and to keep a clear head despite the demanding weather.
#6 ~ At any rate, try to sidestep being outdoors during the hot afternoon if possible, let alone carrying out exhausting labour.
#7 ~ If you want the climate in your flat to stay pleasantly cool, make sure to rely on intense ventilation in the early morning hours with the windows wide open while keeping them closed and smoked throughout the rest of the day. At night, leave them open if procurable and hang up a wet bed sheet in front of the window so that every breeze brings in some cold air.
#8 ~ A further way of remaining fresh and healthy in spite of the heat is to stick to fruits with a content high in water, example given apples, (water) melons and pineapples. In addition, you should choose salty food to help your body compensate its loss of salt caused by increased sweating.
#9 ~ As hard as it may appear, do your body a favour and leave out any sort of alcohol, so it does not have to waste its precious energy on digesting that poisonous substance.
#10 ~ Last but not least, by far the most important piece of advice for absurdly hot summer days: Put your chocolate in the fridge if you actually intend on being able to enjoy it. Because once it has melted and gone back to its original form in the process of cooling down, it will never taste the same. Trust me.
All right, I genuinely hope there were some helpful hints among the tips stated above and you are having an utterly terrific summer without any serious issues. Take care!
Jacky x
#2 ~ Same goes for showering. As appealing as it may seem, taking a cool shower is a lot worse for your body than using lukewarm water, because the former guarantees to give your body a shock due to the rapid change of temperature and therefore burdens your circulation more than you would think.
#3 ~ Always apply enough and sufficiently strong sunblock to your skin, protecting it not solely from damaging ultraviolet rays but also keeping it moist and young.
#4 ~ In order to cushion the retina of your eyes from ultraviolet rays and besides spice up your look, bear in mind to wear sunglasses whenever you spend time outside. Before buying a pair, inform yourself of whether they are indeed protective since unfortunately many provide shade yet no reliable screen. (That goes for both cheap and expensive ones.)
#5 ~ Furthermore, cover your head with any kind of hat to avoid suffering a heat stroke and to keep a clear head despite the demanding weather.
#6 ~ At any rate, try to sidestep being outdoors during the hot afternoon if possible, let alone carrying out exhausting labour.
#7 ~ If you want the climate in your flat to stay pleasantly cool, make sure to rely on intense ventilation in the early morning hours with the windows wide open while keeping them closed and smoked throughout the rest of the day. At night, leave them open if procurable and hang up a wet bed sheet in front of the window so that every breeze brings in some cold air.
#8 ~ A further way of remaining fresh and healthy in spite of the heat is to stick to fruits with a content high in water, example given apples, (water) melons and pineapples. In addition, you should choose salty food to help your body compensate its loss of salt caused by increased sweating.
#9 ~ As hard as it may appear, do your body a favour and leave out any sort of alcohol, so it does not have to waste its precious energy on digesting that poisonous substance.
#10 ~ Last but not least, by far the most important piece of advice for absurdly hot summer days: Put your chocolate in the fridge if you actually intend on being able to enjoy it. Because once it has melted and gone back to its original form in the process of cooling down, it will never taste the same. Trust me.
All right, I genuinely hope there were some helpful hints among the tips stated above and you are having an utterly terrific summer without any serious issues. Take care!
Jacky x
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